Biology Part 2 Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Biology. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Which among the following parts of a pitcher plant modified as pitcher?

A - Stem

B - Leaf

C - Stipule

D - Petiole

Answer : B



Q 2 - Which among the following vitamins correctly defines ascorbic acid?

A - Vitamin K

B - Vitamin B

C - Vitamin A

D - Vitamin C

Answer : D


Ascorbic acid is an organic compound

Answer : A



Q 4 - Which among the following correctly defines blood?

A - Connective tissue

B - Epithelial tissue

C - Simply red liquid

D - Red protein

Answer : A


Since blood connects the different body systems together and fetch the needed oxygen, nutrients, and hormones; therefore, it is known as connective tissue.

Q 5 - Consider the following statements:

1. Blood group A, B, and AB contain the corresponding antigen.

2. Blood group O contains neither ‘A‘antigen nor ‘B’ antigen.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C



Q 6 - The eye part just behind the fence is filled with …

A - Aqueous humor

B - Lymph

C - Vitreous humor

D - Blood

Answer : C


Vitreous humor is the transparent jelly-like tissue that fills the eyeball behind the lens.

Q 7 - Which among the following is a true fish?

A - Cray fish

B - Flying fish

C - Cuttlefish

D - Silver fish

Answer : B



Q 8 - Which among the following combinations are not correct?

1. Asthma - Lung

2. Influenza - Respiratory tract

3. Rickets - Pancreas

4. Malaria - Spleen

A - 1 & 2

B - 1 & 3

C - 2 & 4

D - 3 & 4

Answer : D



Q 9 - The pancreas secrets its enzymes into …

A - Duodenum

B - Kidney

C - Jejunum

D - Stomach

Answer : A



Q 10 - …………. is the phenomenon by which water molecules move from a weaker solution to a stronger solution through a semi-permeable membrane.

A - Diffusion

B - Osmosis

C - Transpiration

D - Translocation

Answer : B


Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a semi-permeable membrane.

Q 11 - Which among the following terms correctly defines the fruit formed without fertilization?

A - Oogenocarpy

B - Parthenogenesis

C - Oogenesis

D - Parthenocarpy

Answer : D



Q 12 - The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is

A - 290

B - 200

C - 350

D - 310

Answer : D



Q 13 - In reference to blood transfusion, which one of the following sets of blood groups is correct?

A - A and O (A donor)

B - B and A (B donor)

C - A and AB (A donor)

D - AB and O (AB donor)

Answer : C



Q 14 - Which among the following insects spreads Kalaazar?

A - House fly

B - Tsetse fly

C - Sand fly

D - Mosquito

Answer : C



Q 15 - Which among the following equipment diagnose eye ailments?

A - Ophthalmoscope

B - Rachiometer

C - Sphygmomanometer

D - Olfactometer

Answer : A



Q 16 - Which among the following diseases is also known as ‘Edema?’

A - Pneumonia

B - Hepatitis B

C - Dropsy disease

D - Kala Azar (or Black fever)

Answer : C


Dropsy disease is known as Edema in the USA and Oedema in the UK.

Q 17 - Which among the following is the most poisonous fish?

A - Payara

B - Piranha

C - Stonefish

D - Eel

Answer : C


Stonefish releases its venom through a row of spines on their back, which can be extended when there is threat.

Q 18 - Dolphin is a typical example of …

A - Mammalian

B - Amphibian

C - Aves

D - Pisces

Answer : A



Q 19 - The deficiency of …………… causes angular stomatitis.

A - Vitamin A

B - Vitamin B1

C - Vitamin B2

D - Vitamin B3

Answer : C


Vitamin B2 is readily available in dairy products, popcorn, and bananas.

Q 20 - Which among the following elements is/are involved in the formation of a DNA nucleotide?

1. Phosphoric acid

2. Deoxyribose sugar

3. Nitrogenous base

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - 1 and 2

B - Only 3

C - 1 and 3

D - 1,2 and 3

Answer : D


