HBase Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to HBase. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - There are 2 programs which confirm a write into Hbase. One is write-ahead log(WAL) and the other one is

A - Mem confirm log

B - Write complete log

C - log store

D - Memstore

Answer : D


The write access log and Memstore confirm the writing of a Hbase value.

Q 2 - A record deleted in Hbase is not removed from Hbase immediately. Instead it is written to another file and marked as Delete. Such a file is Known as

A - DFile

B - Tombfile

C - Tombstone

D - Earmark

Answer : C


The deleted records are stored in file is known as Tombstone.

Q 3 - Retrieving a batch of rows in every RPC call made by an API to a HBase database is called a

A - Batch

B - Scan

C - Bulkrow

D - Grouprow

Answer : B


When a group of records is returned from HBASE database by an API making a RPC call the process is called a scan. The number of rows to be returned by configuring the caching property.

Q 4 - Servers that host regions of a Hbase table are called

A - RegionServers

B - Regional servers

C - Hbase Servers

D - Splitservers

Answer : A


The Regionservers are the servers which hold the regions of a Hbase table.

Q 5 - In a Map-Side join, we take rows from one table and map it with rows from the other table. The size of one of the table should be

A - Enough to fit into memory

B - Half the size of the other table

C - Double the size of the other table

D - Small enough to be located in one physical machine

Answer : A


If you join two datasets where at least one of them can fit in memory of the map task,then load the smaller dataset into a hash-table so the map tasks can access it while iterating over the other dataset. In these cases, you can skip the Shuffle and Reduce Steps entirely and emit your final

output from the Map Step.

Answer : D


By default HBase runs in standalone mode. For a fully distributed configuration set the hbase-cluster.distributed property to true.

Q 7 - The length of the name of the column family should be

A - As small as possible

B - Preferably one character

C - As large as possible

D - Does not matter

Answer : B


The colun family name should be ideally one character so that metadata associated with a cell is minimum.

Q 8 - The table descriptor can be used only for which type of coprocessors?

A - Region-related

B - Master–related

C - WAL-related

D - Column Family related

Answer : A


The table descriptors are used only for the Region servers hence the region related coprocessors.

Answer : A


No .tmp directory indicates no compaction happened

Q 10 - In which scenario nothing is written in the WAL on HBase?

A - Record updates

B - Record Deletes

C - Bulk export

D - Bulk Load

Answer : D


during the bulk load process nothing gets written to the WAL.
