MVC Framework Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to MVC Framework. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : C


C.You handle the mapping of the request in the MapRequestHandler.

Answer : C


C.You should use general styles as much as possible. Achieving a certain look and feel means that you might have to create some specific styles, however.

Answer : E


E.This installs all the necessary mobile packages.All mobile views and mobile master layout ensure that the page will load accordingly.

Answer : B


B.IgnoreRoute is the correct statement to use.

Answer : E


E.Adding health monitors is an easy task. Determining which options pro- vide the information you need will be time-consuming because of the number of choices.Generic logging is a useful addition and can be added as items are refac- tored; it is not an all-or-nothing type of work.

Q 8 - Windows Azure ACS allows for federated identification from outside agencies such as a Microsoft account or Facebook. Which entity issues the final token that your application will accept for access?

A - The outside agency

B - Your application

C - Your network firewall

D - Windows Azure ACS

E - A and B both

F - All of the above

Answer : D


D.ACS reads the token provided by the identity providers and creates a token that your application understands and accepts.

Q 9 - You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web application. The URL with path /Home/Details/{country} will return a page that provides information about the named country. You need to ensure that requests for this URL that contains an unrecognized country value will not be processed by the Details action of HomeController.What should you do?

A - Add the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute to the Details action method.

B - Add the Bind attribute to the country parameter of the Details action method. Set the attribute's Prefix property to Country.

C - Create a class that implements the IRouteConstraint interface. Configure the default route to use this class.

D - Create a class that implements the IRouteHandler interface. Configure the default route to use this class.

E - A and D both

F - All of the above

Answer : C


C.IrouteConstraint interface is implemented to configure default route to implement custom logic

Answer : A


A.Strongly typed views are created with model class
